Besides the Textbook, Knowledge Varsity Press offers a host of features for Instructors. Our team will customize Quizzes, Learning Exercises with video lessons, Mini cases, Master Business Cases to suit instructors’ needs. Further, Knowledge Varsity Education Portal will grade student submissions and provide scores to the instructors.


Our Textbooks generally support a semester-long course. Each Chapter will have several screen illustrations and therefore is extremely useful. Each Chapter will have the section “Test Your Knowledge with Answers,” which will have questions on the material covered in the Textbook chapter.

1. Learning Exercises & Video Lessons:

A typical book chapter comes with a Learning Exercise that provides step-by-step instruction on solving a problem. Additionally, Learning Exercises will have links to Video Lessons.  These video lessons demonstrate how to solve. We have not designed Learning Exercises as assessment material. Instructors can conveniently prescribe Learning Exercises and Video Lessons as reference materials.

2. Quizzes:

Textbooks come with a weekly Quiz with the solution. Instructors can download quizzes from the Knowledge Varsity Press portal and upload them onto the Learning Management System. Instructors can use these quizzes for student assessment.

3. Mini Cases:

Mini Case is a standalone application of a concept in a business context. Besides, it offers a  clear set of instructions. Mini cases often come with a visual image of the solution, which will provide instant feedback as to whether the answer is accurate or not. Mini cases, designed to be graded, can be used for student assessment.

4. Master Business Cases:

Master Business Case is a business case that runs through a semester-long course. At the core, it addresses a significant business problem divided into several smaller problems, each of which neatly falls to the ambit of a couple of textbook chapters. Instructors can administer Master  Business Case throughout the semester. Besides being a significant business problem, Master Business Cases are typically less structured and not instruction heavy. The intent is to force students to solve problems in a slightly unstructured context. Instructors can use Master  Business Cases for assessments.

5. Remote Assistance:

Remote  Assistance perhaps is unique to Knowledge Varsity Press. Instructors receive a liberal dose of remote Assistance from our team. Our team will be readily available for instructors throughout the semester for answering questions, responding to student-specific performance queries, or undertaking special grading instructions, if any.

Schedule a demo

You can schedule a quick 30-min meeting to discuss about your course and how it can be implemented with Knowledge Varsity’s Learning and Grading platform.